Hands On therapy, also called Manual therapy, is a recognised skill of well-trained Physiotherapists.
Using soft tissue massage, joint mobilisation and occasionally joint manipulation, our Physios can restore flexibility to stiffened joints and shortened muscles. We also loosen tight muscles and relieve the ‘knots’ (trigger points) that commonly form in muscles due to stress, overuse or imbalances. The result is reduced pain and restored biomechanical function.
Hands On therapy eases the feeling of restriction in the affected area, resulting in an appreciable reduction of pain and discomfort. However this effect is best realised when followed up with specific and targeted exercise therapy, which your Physio will commonly prescribe as part of your overall treatment plan.
To be effective, Hands On therapy occasionally has to be quite firm and this can result in short term post-treatment soreness. This soreness is temporary and should spontaneously resolve in 48 hours. It can be relieved during this time with heat, liniments &/or over the counter medication.
If your post-treatment soreness lasts beyond 48 hours, we encourage you to inform your Physio, so that adjustments in treatment intensity &/or duration can be addressed at subsequent appointments.